Monthly Sunday Tantric Satsang & Sadhana

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Elevate Your Spiritual Practice With Traditional Tantric Meditation Classes! 


Monthly Satsang & Sadhana
First Sundays of the month: 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Step into a sacred space for Monthly Sunday Tantric Satsang & Sadhana in the heart of Sebastopol. Each month, we gather to explore the deep wisdom of Traditional Tantra, offering teachings, guided meditations, and reflection that cater to both newcomers and experienced practitioners.

Our sessions draw from sacred texts such as the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, The Recognition Sutras, Shiva Sutras, and the Stanzas on Vibration, providing timeless guidance for spiritual awakening and embodied transformation.

Location: 500 N. Main St, Suite A, Sebastopol (Annex Room of the Methodist Church, across from Safeway)
Cost: $20

Why Join?
These sessions are designed to help you cultivate inner stillness, awaken embodied wisdom, and experience a deeper connection to yourself and the universe. You’ll learn powerful techniques rooted in the ancient Tantric tradition, tailored to bring balance and transformation to your life.

Serving the North Bay Community
Our gathering fills a unique niche in the North Bay for authentic classical Tantric practice. Join a supportive community committed to genuine, heart-centered spiritual growth. Whether you're just starting your journey or seeking to deepen your practice, these sessions offer a grounding and expansive experience.

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Are You a Spiritual Seeker Craving Authenticity and Depth?

If you’re searching for a practice that offers profound ancient wisdom and transformative inner work, Traditional Tantric Meditation may be exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Why Choose Tantric Meditation?

  • Discover your true nature beyond thoughts and beliefs, freeing yourself from the nagging sense of lack.
  • Clear karmic patterns stored in your subtle body, so that you can move forward with clarity, confidence, and courage.
  • Align with Divine will, and be guided by a deeper source of power and wisdom.
  • Ground yourself in a clear view of reality, giving you a map to orient yourself on your spiritual journey.
  • Free yourself from life's cycles of ups and downs with time-proven teachings that offer direct access to lasting inner peace, clarity, and connection to your True Nature.

Through the practices of Traditional Tantra, uncover your inherent power and capacity to live a life of freedom and fulfillment, while experiencing the deep and lasting transformation that these ancient teachings can provide.


What is Traditional (Non-Dual) Tantra?

Traditional Tantra, rooted in ancient India over 1,500 years ago, is a spiritual path and system for awakening and liberation through embracing the fullness of life. Passed down through lineages, it offers profound teachings and practices that help individuals awaken to their true nature while living in the world, making it the perfect path for those of us who have jobs, families and other commitments in life.

Unlike other non-dual traditions that focus on renunciation (and living in ashrams) or transcending worldly things, Tantra teaches that true wisdom is found by fully engaging with life. It is a path of embodied wisdom, where every moment, relationship, and experience is an opportunity for spiritual awakening.

It’s important to note that Traditional Tantra is not to be confused with Neo-Tantra, which is often associated with sacred sexuality. While Neo-Tantra emphasizes sensuality and intimacy, Traditional Tantra is a complete spiritual path that focuses on meditation, mantra, breathwork, and subtle body practices to achieve spiritual awakening. This ancient, lineage-based tradition is dedicated to helping individuals realize their true nature and navigate life’s challenges with wisdom and clarity, far beyond the scope of Neo-Tantra’s modern interpretations.

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Here's What Students Are Saying...

Meet Your Guide: Lisa Witter, DHP

Psycho-Spiritual Counselor, Meditation Teacher, Founder of the Tantric Arts Collective and 
Creator of The Karmic Warrior Oracle


In an era of spiritual materialism and many proclaiming themselves teachers without the depth or training to back it up, the importance of lineage and authentic teacher-student relationships can't be overstated. For me, integrity and lineage aren’t just buzzwords but foundational pillars in my spiritual journey.

I’ve spent years immersing myself in Yogic and Buddhist traditions, navigating through various paths of spiritual wisdom. My journey deepened two decades ago when I discovered the transformative teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda's self-realization and kriya yoga, eventually becoming an initiate in this revered lineage.

Eventually, a thirst for deeper understanding led me to the nuanced and esoteric world of Non-Dual Tantra. This quest eventually led me to my current teacher Christopher (Hareesh) Wallis, a dedicated scholar-practitioner-teacher who has committed his life to translating and teaching the sacred texts of the Krama-Kaula-Trika lineages of Non-Dual Saiva Tantra (aka Kasmir Saivism). Under his direct guidance, these profound teachings and practices have transformed from intellectual concepts to lived, embodied experiences within me, deeply enriching my work as a psycho-spiritual counselor and meditation teacher.

I currently offer sought-after classes and workshops in Berkeley, where students have attested that there's nothing quite like the experience I offer. I am excited to extend these life-altering teachings and practices to my hometown of Sebastopol and the wider North Bay region.

I invite you to join me on this transformative journey, rooted in lineage and embodied practice, as we delve into the ancient wisdom of Non-Dual Tantra.

See my full bio HERE. 


The path of Traditional Tantra is rooted in ancient lineages that have preserved its teachings for centuries. My own practice is deeply connected to the lineage of Paramahansa Yogananda, whose Kriya Yoga shares Tantric foundations, as well as the Trika tradition through Swami Lakshmanjoo. I have also studied extensively with Christopher Wallis, a scholar-practitioner of Krama-Trika, and Acharya Staneshwar Timilsina, a lineage holder of Trika. These authentic lineages continue to inform my teachings, offering a genuine and transformative path of awakening.

Discover The Profound Power of Non-Dual Tantric Practice!

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