Why The Most Successful People Are Always Searching For Something More

Discover the secret to finding fulfillment beyond success in work and life

Did you know that your desires could be the reason you feel unfulfilled? 

Lisa Engles Witter, DHP

Psycho-Spiritual Counselor, Tantric Meditation Teacher, Author

Hi, I’m Lisa.

If you're here, chances are you've achieved significant milestones in your life. It could be success in your career, a sense of financial stability, or the personal freedom to live life on your own terms. You may even have fulfilling relationships... but despite all these accomplishments, there's still a nagging feeling that something is missing, something that you can't quite put your finger on.

Well, the missing piece you're looking for may be rooted in the ancient and lesser-known spiritual teachings of non-dual Tantra, which directly address the paradox of success that many people experience: the more you have, the more you desire, and the more you feel like something is missing.

What you probably don’t realize is that desire is a critical element in your sense of fulfillment, but not all desires are created equal. And it turns out that this is big problem. 

Here’s why: Depending on the type of desire you have, it can either lead you to true and lasting fulfillment or keep you trapped in a cycle of dissatisfaction. And most people are unaware of this fact, so they're stuck chasing after desires that will never bring them true fulfillment without realizing it.

Luckily, the spiritual teachings of non-dual Tantra can help you navigate this problem! In order to experience lasting fulfillment in any aspect of your life, it's essential to be aware that there are four types of desires, and only one of them can lead you to the fulfillment you seek. Non-dual Tantra provides a roadmap to help you understand your desires and channel them towards true and lasting fulfillment.

Are you ready to discover the one desire that will bring you true and lasting fulfillment? 

Watch The Free Video Now

What People Are Saying...

Kim Carpenter

Founder, People at The Center

Lisa has an extraordinary passion and gift for helping others awaken to their highest potential. Her Karma Clearing Process has helped me begin healing the life long patterns that have been keeping me from stepping fully into my power. I thought I had worked through so many of these issues already, but it wasn't until I worked with Lisa that I finally began to understand how these patterns need to be addressed on multiple levels including mental, emotional and spiritual. I finally feel more connected to source and truth and my soul.

Mark Porteous

Founder, Soul Affiliate Alliance

Lisa's Karma Clearing Process is extremely powerful. I have spent much of my adult life trying to work through some deep patterns that always seem to show up in both my personal and professional life. After the first session with Lisa I already felt a profound shift in the way I was showing up for myself and for others in my life. I highly recommend working with Lisa. Her ability to guide with deep compassion and genuine caring is exactly what every person needs on their journey to awakening.

Barbara Marx Hubbard

Futurist and Evolutionary Thought Leader (1929-2019)

I had the pleasure of working with Lisa for several years and I have been continually impressed by her extraordinary capacity to inspire and lead. Her insights and teachings are truly transformative, and I have no doubt that she is poised to become a leading voice in the field of spiritual living. I highly recommend her work to anyone seeking to create positive change in their lives and in the world.

Alyssa De Caro

Founder, Body of Sound | Yoga Teacher

Working with Lisa was absolutely transformative. The culmination of all the tools she's developed has really made a huge impact, not only on my personal life but also on how I show up as a teacher and leader in my own offerings. She delivers a clear and precise understanding of even the most complex aspects of Tantric Yoga teachings  within a profoundly compassionate lens. If you are ready to clear old patterns that keep you stuck in any area of your life, I highly recommend Lisa as your guide.