Signature 1:1 Counseling Package: The Embodied Awakening Process

Discover the path to lasting freedom and fulfillment with this powerful six-session process.

Ever feel like there’s more to life, but it always seems just out of reach? This transformative, six-session process is designed to explore and address the recurring karmic patterns in your life. By addressing these deep-seated patterns, you’ll unlock lasting joy, love, and prosperity.

My counseling approach is rooted in non-dual tantric principles. I combine Yoga and Buddhist psychology with the non-dual view and somatic healing practices. I've consistently seen this approach deliver the fastest and most significant results, helping my students and clients achieve deep and lasting change.

What’s Included:

  • Six One-Hour Private Sessions ($165/Session): Personalized counseling sessions tailored to your unique journey and challenges.
  • Session Recordings: Revisit each session at your convenience to reinforce your learning.
  • Additional Resources: Receive supplementary materials, including guided meditations and worksheets.
  • Access to the Living & Leading With The Wisdom of Oneness Self-Study Course (Value $497): Complement your 1:1 sessions with this comprehensive course, providing you with essential teachings and practices of non-dual Tantra. This course includes:
    • In-depth modules on each of the six karmic patterns
    • Foundational practices to transform these patterns
    • Guided inquiries to explore your inner landscape
  • Karmic Warrior Oracle  and Masterclass (Value: $45 for the Oracle, $97 for the Masterclass): Utilize the powerful Karmic Warrior Oracle deck and masterclass to gain deeper insights and wisdom.


  • Deep Personal Transformation: Address and resolve the specific karmic patterns holding you back.
  • Personalized Support: Receive tailored guidance that fits your unique needs and goals.
  • Integrated Learning: Combine the insights from the self-study course with the depth of one-on-one sessions for a holistic transformation.
  • Pre-Requisite for Advanced Mentorship: Completing this program fulfills the pre-requisite for my year-long mentorship program, allowing you to continue your journey on an even deeper level.


Total Value: $1,379

Your Investment: $997* 

*Payment plans are available


Why Start with The Embodied Awakening Process?

The Embodied Awakening Process lays the foundation for our work together, ensuring that you have a solid understanding of your karmic patterns and the tools needed to transform them. It’s a comprehensive introduction that prepares you for deeper, ongoing work.

Ready to take the next step?

To ensure this is the right fit for you, schedule a consult call with Lisa for a fully refundable $50 deposit. This deposit will be refunded as long as you show up to the call, regardless of whether or not you decide to purchase this package.

Schedule A 20 min. Consult

On-Going 1:1 Counseling ($150.00/Session):

Continue Your Journey with Ongoing Support

After completing The Embodied Awakening Process, you have the option to continue with ongoing 1:1 counseling. This continued support is designed to help you delve deeper into your spiritual journey, providing consistent guidance and accountability as you integrate and apply the insights gained from the initial sessions.


While I work with a diverse range of individuals, most people who seek my guidance are already on their spiritual path and have often completed therapy or coaching. They come to me looking for the 'next step' or 'next level' in their personal and spiritual growth. My specialty is working with individuals experiencing spiritual emergence (also known as spiritual awakening) and spiritual emergency (often referred to as the dark night of the soul). My expertise lies in guiding you through these profound and often challenging phases of spiritual growth.

Professional Credentials and Disclaimer:

While I am not a licensed therapist, I am a certified spiritual counselor and professionally trained as a Depth Hypnosis practitioner. Additionally, I have 25 years of training in a broad range of spiritual and somatic modalities. A few to note are my training in the Life Art Process from the Tamalpa Institute, TaKe TiNa rhythm-based transformational journeys, and Applied Shamanism. I have a network of licensed therapists that I refer to for issues beyond my capacity. It is important to note that I do not work with individuals with known serious mental health issues such as Complex PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, and others that require specific clinical training.