The Karmic Warrior

The Karmic Warrior

Hosted by: Lisa Engles Witter

Yoga wisdom for extraordinary living.

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Can you really manifest anything you desire?

Many law of attraction experts say that one of the secrets to manifesting whatever you want in life is to access the power of desire-- in other words, when you elicit enough DESIRE for whatever it is that you want,...
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6 Signs You're Spiritually Awakened

How do you know if you're spiritually awakened? You can find a lot of articles and videos about this topic online, but unfortunately, many of them can be misleading or only partially correct because they're based on a...
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The 5 Hidden Powers Within You

What do you think about when you hear the word "power"? Do you associate it with authority, control, or maybe ‘abuse of power’ comes to mind? Or do you associate it with feeling powerful or maybe powerless? One thing...
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Dealing with difficult people

It's inevitable that we will encounter difficult people in life. Whether it is a snarky barista, an inconsiderate friend or sibling, or a passive-aggressive co-worker, dealing with these kinds of people can be...
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The Downside of Being Generous

As a yogini and a karmic-warrior, I see the beauty and the power in giving and being generous... and there’s so much out there about how important GIVING is on the spiritual path. But there’s a darker side to...
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You Are Not Your Body

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Relationships Are a Cauldron of Consciousness

Relationships are a cauldron of consciousness. In other words, all the ‘stuff’ that makes up our relationships: the good, the bad, and the ugly, offers us the opportunity to gain knowledge about ourselves. In today's...
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A Case of Mistaken Identity

The Law of Karma tells us that everything we're experiencing right now is a result of our past actions. But hidden within this law is something deeper for spiritual seekers to explore-- that the more fundamental cause...
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The Yogic Lifestyle

Over 37 million people practice yoga in the US alone- and nearly 300 million people practice yoga across the world. And while yoga has clearly become mainstream- for the vast majority, yoga is something that you DO on...
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