Non Dual Meditation for Letting Go of Control

Nov 01, 2023

Welcome, to this guided meditation – where we’ll challenge the conventional notions of control and discover true safety through non-dual wisdom. We live in a world that is constantly asking us to take control: control of our lives, our emotions, even control of the uncontrollable. But what if the 'you' who believes it in control, is itself an illusion? This “self” is what we refer to as the ego, a constructed sense of self that struggles to maintain control as a way to feel safe.

The wisdom of non-dual tantric teachings, invites us to explore a profound paradox. The paradox is that the more we try to control, the less control we actually have. But what remains constant, amidst this elusive chase, is the safe sanctuary of your true nature, as pure awareness. In the first half of this meditation, we'll investigate this illusion of control and the ego's role in it. In the second half, we'll embark on a journey towards genuine safety, exploring the constant sanctuary of your true nature, which is pure awareness. Safety in this context is not born from clinging to control but stems from the liberating understanding that your essential nature is already, and always has been, safe.

Before we dive in, a quick but crucial note: This meditation is for anyone who generally feels resourced and emotionally stable in their lives, yet find themselves entangled in the quest for control as a means to achieve a sense of safety. If you're dealing with acute, unresolved traumas, I strongly encourage you to work with a qualified professional to address those issues before engaging in practices like this one. While this meditation aims to explore deep emotional and spiritual realms, it's not a substitute for specialized trauma therapy and could be triggering if you're not adequately resourced.