Spiritual Awakening: Kriyas, Psychosis, Power Loss Mar 29, 2023

Despite the increasing interest in spiritual awakening, certain experiences are often not addressed within the broader spiritual community. As a result, people can feel isolated or confused when they have these experiences, which can hinder their spiritual growth and progress. In this video, I...

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Guided Meditation: Empower Your Practice With Non-Dual Tantra Mar 22, 2023

Welcome to this meditation practice, which is based on the view of non-dual Tantra. By aligning our practices with the view, we can start to see through misunderstandings that obscure the true nature of ourselves, others, reality, and the divine.

The view isn't just a theoretical understanding,...

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Beyond Success: The Hidden Key To Lasting Fulfillment Mar 08, 2023

Have you ever noticed that some of the most successful people are always searching for more, despite having achieved so much in their lives?

One of my friends, a very successful entrepreneur, is a perfect example of this. She has a thriving business, a beautiful home, a wonderful marriage, and...

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The Yoga of Desire: Unlocking the secret to lasting happiness Mar 01, 2023

In the ancient teachings of Yoga, it is said that each of us is born with four desires. 

The first desire is kama, the desire for pleasurable experiences. You may notice how children are driven by the desire for pleasurable experiences and as adults, we are not much different. We all desire...

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